Friday, 16 October 2009


I want to hear you say it in your heads properly - the mexican way. Mexico I am a bit divided on. To start with I have only stayed in Merida (to the east about 400km from Cancun). Merida is a sweet little town and to be fair has got plenty going on. Here´s my problems: 1) I don´t speak Spanish - not even a little. I have found it quite easy to speak English around the globe. Not that I should of course but even I (brainiac that I am) couldn´t learn Hungarian, vietnamese, Khmer (Cambodia), Malay (Singapore) , Spanish and Australian! The locals here know a very very limited amount of English though you can tell its improving with the moving times and the main square was better. I knew hola (hello), vino tinto (red wine) and gracias (thank you). Honestly! It seemed to get me by though strangely enough.
2) Nice little not so touristy destination = no one to talk to. I enjoyed seeing the sights but I like talking to people and as you are already aware of my Spanish knowledge it didn´t get me too far. The only people who seemed to talk to me were the Mexican men. And I got the impression it wasn´t conversation on their minds!
So I have walked the streets (not in that way), I have seen the churches, museams, bars and restaurants and it seems that 4 days is my limit to being alone (making a total of 7 on my whole trip). But that is proof enough for me, if I needed it that I can do it!
I have managed two of three things on my list - Fajita (yes dad - very yum), tequila (infact two Helen - seemed only right) but no hat or sombrero (sorry Andy). I think thats MexiCAN enough, don´t you?
So tomorrow dawns and I fly to Miami where I have 8 hours only before I become a ¨legal alien¨ and become an english (wo)man in New york. Sorry couldn´t help it. I could have come up with worse. I know you could dad!!!!

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