Monday, 12 September 2011

Arriving at the campsite

Sunday morning saw our first bit of rain. During my stint of the driving Helen and Lukas appeared to be having a bit of a nap. I decided it would be unwise to join them as I was hurtling along at 130km\hour so to counteract the sleepiness I thought I'd have a little sing to myself. This turned out to be an unwise decision as it then started to..well..piss it down. However unperturbed we stopped off to get a bit of petrol and I managed to park up and block off a very English English man and his caravan who knocked on my window and said 'I do say dear do you mind moving ever so slightly as I would rather like to get to the beach' - so I did as I quite understood his predicament. The sun came out again and we all cheered some.

Unfortunately this did not last. When we got to the campsite, actually as an aside I must add here we very nearly did not arrive at the campsite. Sandra, my up to this point very helpful satnav, decided at the last minute direct us to drive into the sea rather then the campsite (first sci-fi scare as I am now aware that Sandra could be Atmos infected aka doctor who). Anyway I ignored Sandra and we arrived at the South of France to Rain, and quite a bit of it at that.

We got to our site and sat it the car and complained bitterly. When the rain eventually stopped the ground was to hot and muddy to allow us to put up our home for the next two weeks. So we did what only good daughters would and phoned our mum to inform her we where not dead in a ditch. After being slightly relieved that we where not dead in a ditch my mother then went on to give us, frankly the best advice she could. Buy some beer, drink the beer and wait it out. Being dutiful daughters we followed her advice diligently.

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