Monday, 12 September 2011

Hey who turned out the lights

The next day demanded a late start. I decided to mosey on down to the campsite bar and have a few post breakfast (therefore allowed) pre lunch beers. After lunch Lukas and me decided to attempt Beziers again. We visited a few museums, which were ok, but it was the afternoon so was hot, hot, and hot. Due to Lukas being made out of steel he decided to go for a 3rd museum whereas I decided it was time to rehydrate. I found a nice little bar ordered a diet coke and happily started people watching. This may seem a perfect little scene if it weren't for an evil and I swear it was evil decided to shit on me. Nice. I then sat drinking my diet coke, covered in pigeon shit, waiting Lukas's return. He however had a nice time if not a little strange when he came across a didgeridoo playing French man. In the mean time Helen had decided to make use of the proximity of the beach and off she trotted with our newly purchased beach umbrella. However Helen did not factor in the wind of the med. She thought she had dug the umbrella deep enough into the sand but quickly realized when it was hurtling towards a German mans crotch that maybe it was not that secure. Luckily he seemed to see the funny side of it. Maybe he was in shock!

Now due to drinking a fair bit of warm beer Lukas and me decided to search for an electrical element for our cool box. We needed an out-y one and we had an in-y one. This search proved more difficult then when originally thought it would be and we search all sort of shops including GIFI - the French version of Wilkinsons. But eventually after a few hours searching we found the damned thing. There was much cheering and we celebrated with drinking some wine. Seemed appropriate.

Oh and to refer to my title. Lukas ventured on over to the toilet block and being slightly weary of the midwich episode the night before was mid pee when he was thrown into total blackness. And (sci-fi scare 3) could only exclaim Hey, who turned out the lights!

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