rsday arrived and we woke up early to join Dominic, an ex-pat who set up a wine touring business. We were booked onto the wine and seafood tour. Here I will take another aside just to mention the campsite is lovely. Just thought you needed to know that. It is very large so it contains its own shop, hairdressers, bakers, butchers, bars, restaurants, 2 pools, the beach, a naked spa, fishmongers and security guards to name a few. More said on the security team later.
Anyway back to the tour and some other human company. Our group was made up of the three of us, Dominic, an Australian couple and two Canadian friends. Our first stop was the Seafood part. This was what appeared to be an oyster and muscle farm. It was fascinating to learn the history. We watched one of the workers open a massive oyster like he was cutting through butter. The lady opening the raw muscles looked no older then 60 was actually 82. She proudly puts this down to eating 6 oysters and six muscles raw every day. Take that 6 eggs! Sorry private joke. Anyway then it was our turn to try the raw fish and being a relatively new fish eater I’m not going to lie but I felt a bit nauseous! Anyway I felt at this point that I had to participate especially sine I had already annoyed Dominic by admitting to the €1.50 Bordeaux. It was an experience I’ll tell you that. We also seemed to be joined by a random Spanish couple that couldn’t speak French or English. Luckily one of the Canadian women was of Cuban origin and was able to translate. The Spanish chap was overly enthusiastic in a slightly creepy way so I think we were all ever so slightly relieved when we were able to leave for the wine section.
We were driven to a little vineyard, given some facts about wine production and then were given several generous tasters of very nice wine, including one that was halfway through the fermentation stage.
Slightly merry and after some political discussions with Dominic and some general chatting with the others we were driven back to the campsite and made our way to the pool. Again another hot day that maybe could have effected Lukas more then we thought as he very nearly bought a copy of the Daily Mail. Shudder.
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